Our Care for Each Patient is Preventive, Passionate, and Personalized.
OnSite Care offers patients more time, more convenience, more direction, and more understanding when they need it most.
Call (801)-441-1002
Serving Employers Large & Small
OnSite Care helps employers elevate their value proposition, lower their cost of health care, and improve their employees’ experience. In short, we help you attract and retain your best team.
Choose from three clinic models.
Wellness Centers
OnSite helps employers build full-service primary care clinics at their workplace or at a nearby location.
Shared Clinics
OnSite brings two or more employers together to sponsor a shared clinic. Employers can also contract for access to an existing Wellness Center.
OnSite Reach
OnSite reaches your remote or dispersed workforce groups with a unique direct primary care (DPC) option with our national partners.
See what model is best for you. Speak with a member of our team.
Call (801)-441-1002SOLUTIONS
We bring our best, even when employees aren’t at theirs.